Adventures in Arcadia - The End : Page 27

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PostAdventures in Arcadia - The End : Page 27
by Hulohot » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:18 pm

This is a trial run for a rather ambitious forum game I've been planning for a while now.

The aim of the game is to survive the first year in a new land. The length of the year depends on how well the trial goes.

For now, there is only room for 12 people.

Throughout the world, word of a land completely abandoned is spreading. It is not long before a flock of people head for this new world to find new homes and opportunities. After eleven days of sailing, they arrive in Arcadia.


This is Arcadia. It is split into two kingdoms. Generalia and Offtopica. This is a forum game about the adventures of 12 strangers who find themselves in this strange, abandoned world. Anyone who has played an Adventure Quest will be fairly familiar with the goings on in this game. It is split into events, each of you will get choices to make, and a bit of a storyline to solve, your choices determine whether you live or die.

My aim is to give you opportunities to screw over, help or even live with other players and get involved with intertwining storylines.

What do I have to do?

For now, just look at the list of places you can live in this new world. Choose which one will be your home. This will determine the story path your character will take. Maybe the house you choose will have a secret room with a magic vault that allows you to create an army. What do you do with that army? I have a lot of ideas, and hopefully anyone familiar with my other forum game Adventure Quest will get the idea.

Take a look at this list of places to live. Which kingdom takes your fancy?

Kingdom of Offtopica

This is a dusty harsh wasteland, full of monsters and dangerous terrain. Violence here is extreme, opportunity for evil will prevail in this kingdom.

1- Eyre Skye Castle - ROONMASTOR This abandoned castle coated in dust from the nearby desert stretch is beautifully furnished and seemingly abandoned in a hurry. Beautifully lit during the day, eerily dark at night, this castle is perfect for a king and his servants

2- Dusty Spires- The old derelict mansion tucked away in the folds of the small yet harsh desert offers good protection from outsiders. Ferocious animals roam the dustland, yet for some reason stay clear of Dusty Spires mansion.

3- Mountain Peak Hut- SMURPHY A nice wooden home with a viewing platform sits on a flat of mountain that overlooks the desert and the rocky landscape to the south, and the forest to the east. The height offers decent protection from wild animals and outsiders. However, strange noises can be heard eminating from the walls at night.

4- Condemned Rocks- THE MASTER The landscape is sharp and jagged, and a small modest house made of stone sits near the cliff edge. The origin of the name is unknown. Inside the house a strange howling noise can be heard when the winds are high.

5- The Mortuary- PSYCHICSYKES The land surrounding the Mortuary is volcanic, with steams of lava flowing over the burnt dusty plains. Evidence of a psychopathic priest burning his victims has been documented within these walls, but now The Mortuary lies empty and alone.

6- Unknown- STAYDEAD Surrounded by a river, this walled compound contains a mansion and watch tower. The gates are locked but there is a tree you could use to climb the wall to the north.

7- Island Paradise KANBEI Far from being a paradise, this dried out island with dying trees is home to a small abandoned town. The buildings are modest and relatively empty but you have great access to fish and water.

Kingdom of Generalia

This kingdom is covered in lakes, forest and jungle. It is a rather peaceful, magical land just like something out of a fairy tale. Magic and monsters thrive in the forests. The opportunity for good and evil is equal in this kingdom.

8- Brokenburg Castle (Once called Brennenburg Castle) -
FRANK Brennenburg is a large gothic castle sat on a clifftop overlooking Island Paradise. Inside all is dark, yet the portcullis is open, as if you lure you into its walls. The large arch doors sway ajar.

9- Pred's Party Pad (once called The Serpent of the Forest) - PRED This is a beautifully carved wooden home at the foot of the Serpants River surrounded by dense trees. The perfect place to escape from others and just be alone. A pleasant smell lingers in the air all year round.

10- Deep Jungle - SUPERKING A walled stately home lies deep within the rainforest region of Generalia. This region is home to many myths and fairytales, secrets and terrible monsters.

11- Burnt Toast (Once called Burnt Coast) - G RAT Evidence of a great fire surrounds the untouched stone building near the waters edge. Trees are burnt, a small fishing boat half eaten by the recent flames sits near the water.

12- There is nothing to say about this cavern system. Nothing at al. Noghin al tall. No. no. ZENIGAME

I will leave this up for two days. On Wednesday at 9.00 PM I will "Unlock the doors" to Arcadia, the first thirteen people to post with the name of the piece of land they want to live in will be in the game. When everyone is settled into their new home, the first quest will begin.

For now, I will answer any questions (When I get home tonight) and let this sink/ drown in a flurry of "you don't have the post count to pull this off."

The events so far

Word is spreading of a far away land suddenly and swifty abandoned. There is no evidence such a land ever existed.

An abandoned ship drifts towards Port Saram. On board they find a self mutilated grinning corpse clutching a map to the fabled Arcadia.

Pred invites his fellow players to his magical home at Serpents of the Forest, little does he know that spores from the flowers are causing him to hallucinate, the place is really a **** hole.

Smurphy, The Master, Sykes and an impostor disguised as The Master attend Pred's party. However, the hallucinagens make Pred attack what he sees as monsters. The Master, The Master and Sykes flee leaving Smurphy to attack the sword swinging Pred on his own. Smurphy is slain.

G-Rat discovers an engraved golden tablet in his home at Burnt Coast. Unable to determine the treasure's location he teams up with Sykes ad Frank, but they are followed by a mysterious stranger. They stumble across the treasure room and make off with a secret and powerful treasure.


A sea demon is disturbed by the treasure raiding.

A diseased man is walking the lands looking for help. He has Arcadian Aids and certain death would meet whoever had sympathy. Luckily nobody let him in to their homes. Hopefully he is dead now...

StayDead is attacked in his home by a another player. He manages to escape death. He reveals that the attacking player is Zenigame. Buy why?

A player with great power evicts Deadpool from his home. Serpents of the Forest is re-named Pred's Party Pad.

A sea monster rises from the depths and destroys Frank's home Brennenburg Castle. He survives the attack but is now without a home like Deadpool.

Zenigame tries to attack another player, G-Rat, but circumstances lead him to being killed by a well prepared G-Rat.

A state of emergency is announced. Another player has used a small personal army to investigate the island above Brennenburg Castle and has lured a Dreadmort (zombie) plague over the waters to Arcadia.

Burnt Coast is re-named Burnt Toast by a player with great power.

Dead player Smurphy possesses StayDead and uses him to get revenge on The Master for getting Smurphy killed at the beginning. The Master is raped to death by StayDead's knife-penis.

An army shows up to find StayDead and The Master murdered. The army was sent to kill StayDead, but who was controlling them?

Brennenburg Castle is re-named Brokenburg Castle

Pred, G-Rat, Frank and Deadpools manslave Manuel go to explore Mountain Peak Hut, which has mysteriously collapsed revealing a small castle hidden within the mountain.

Nathaniel reveals that he has discovered the reason why Arcadia was abandoned. He will not say why just yet however.

StayDead is murdered by an unknown assailant.

Pred, G-Rat, Frank and Manuel discover a god in the chamber. As a reward, the god allows them full knowledge regarding a single player. Then, the god offers to make one of them a god themselves if they commit suicide. The remaining players will be gifted special powers and be named Knights of Arcadia. Manuel, Deadpools slave is voted to kill himself. Manuel becomes a tall all powerful god, but remains a slave to Deadpool.

Nathaniel discovers a tomb in Generalia and asks for help getting inside. This request was ignored by all the players, and an army of ghosts break out. The army destroys Pred's Party Pad.

The sea monster that destroyed Brennenburg Castle is returning for a second strike. However somehow beneath Generalia is a plane and a live nuclear weapon. How it got there is a mystery, considering the game takes place in early history. Deadpool saves Generalia using his god Manuel to kill the beast named Magnathorax and disarming the nuke. I had planned on actually destroying Generalia that night as well, so well done Deadpool.

Turns out the people who did not die in Mountain Peak Hut were lied to by the god. They will not be recieving any new powers, and will not be named Knights of Arcadia. Tough luck eh. Meanwhile Deadpool has earnt a slave god.

Pred decides to move in with Roonmastor at Eyre Skye Castle (because his home was burnt down by the ghost army unleashed by Nathaniel) However, Pred is attacked and left for dead by a unit of old soldiers under control of a player.

Frank decides to help Pred but collapses and has some kind of strange dream. The contents of this dream is very important, and very secret, known only to him. Frank awakens at Burnt Toast in Generalia, not knowing how he got there.

G-Rat goes to help Pred and manages to save him without any trouble.

Nathaniel visits the beach they first landed their ships on when arriving in Arcadia. All the ships are missing and the men looking after them dead on the beach.

Frank is discovered, dead along the coast of Generalia just north of Burnt Toast. He was stabbed to death, apparently by ninjas.

After a long time wandering the land PsychicSykes moves into Eyre Skye Castle with Roonmastor and Deadpool

Island Paradise is destroyed by Manuel under Deadpools control. Kanbei is killed in the attack.

G-Ratasaurus Rex, Pred and PsychicSykes stay at Eyre Skye Castle with Roonmastor. However, Deadpool decides to attack Roonie because he suspects Roonmastor is up to no good. He chases Roonmastor onto the castle bridge and tries to shoot him in the back. It is revealed that Manuel, the god that Deadpool was controlling was actually taking orders from Roonmastor because Manuel was a slave given as a gift from him to Mr Deadpool, and that Manuel has been reporting everything Deadpool has been doing back to Roonmastor. He knows everything. Roonmastor gave the orders to Manuel that if Deadpool ever attempted to kill him, Manuel was to destroy Deadpool. Deadpool is killed by Manuel, crushed in the palm of his giant hand.

With Deadpool out of the way (Roonmastor needed him dead to take control of the god) he turns the god on his own castle, destroying it and killing three more players in the process. Roonmastors personal army is destroyed, along with Pred, PsychicSykes and G-Ratasaurus Rex.

Only two living players remain. Roonmastor and Superking (Who at this point is inactive) All hope is lost as Roonmastor kills Superking the next day meaning he is the only player with a chance at escaping Arcadia and winning the game.

With three days remaining, will Roonmastor survive to escape from Arcadia?

Zenigame and Frank have two days to try and defeat Roonmastor before the escape boat sails away. Zenigame, using his army as a distraction, plans to impersonate Roonmastor whilst Frank distracts Roons powerful god Manuel. Then Zenigame dressed as Roon will order Manuel away leaving Roonmastor vulnerable. This plan failed when Roon did not take the bait and a tidal wave caused by Manuel washes away Zenigames army. Things are looking bleak.

On the final playable night, with just hours before the escape ship sails away they hatch their final plan. They will sneak onto the escape ship and hide beneath the deck waiting for Roonmastor to board thinking he is about to win. Rather unfairly to Roonmastor I reveal to him at the last minute that Manuel cannot leave Arcadia, and in order for Roonie to win he must sail away with Nathaniel alone. Because Roonmastor was about to go out, he made a hasty last minute decision to board the ship leaving Manuel to rule Arcadia alone.

As the ship sails away Roonmastor is confronted by Frank and Zenigame both armed with the golden rifles they found near the beginning of the Adventure. No mercy is shown, and Roonmastor is shot in the face and thrown overboard.

Frank and Zenigame avenged the fallen players betrayed by Roonmastor at his castle for his own amusement. As they near the shores of the old world, the captain of the escape boat Nathaniel tells them to take a rowboat and flee, because they are both undead now and the guards might not take kindly to that back at port. They sail away into the sunset.

Nathaniel watches them sail away, then turns to his two shipmates. Drawing a dagger he slays them both. Dumping one of them overboard, he props the other against the side of the ship, cutting a smile into his face. Then he retrieves the map to Arcadia from below deck and places it in the dead mans palms. It is revealed that he was responsible for luring the players to Arcadia so they would die by each others hands in some kind of sacrifice to the ancient god of Arcadia who promises Nathaniel great power if he performs this every year. Nathaniel leaps from the side of the ship and swims to shore, leaving the boat drifting alone just a few miles short of the port. This echoes the events at the start of the game, where a ship is discovered and a mutilated corpse clutching the map to Arcadia is found.

Coming soon


But not that soon.

Last edited by Hulohot on Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:35 pm, edited 47 times in total.
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Oblomov Boblomov » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:20 pm


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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:22 pm


Last edited by Mockmaster on Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by smurphy » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:25 pm

In - Deep Jungle

Last edited by smurphy on Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Dolph Wiggler » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:25 pm


Last edited by Dolph Wiggler on Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Pred » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:25 pm

In. I'll take Brennenburg Castle.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Count Nood » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:26 pm

Skies of Arcadia. :wub:

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Psychic » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:28 pm

The Mortuary sounds nice and relaxing. I'll take that please.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Irene Demova » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:29 pm

Burnt Toast Coast

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Corazon de Leon » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:29 pm

I thought it was first people to post when he opens the doors on Wednesday, but if it's tonight I'll take Unknown. 8-)

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by St Nick » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:30 pm

In. Eyre Sky Castle.

Oh Teh Nose is my Buddy Brother :wub:
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Dolph Wiggler » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:30 pm

I'll take Unknown, sounds exciting.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:30 pm

All those that have tried claiming land already should be banned from playing.

The Eeveelution club! \o/
Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Corazon de Leon » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:30 pm

Zenigame wrote:All those that have tried claiming land already should be banned from playing.

I disagree. Oh, and a troll face for Wiggles.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Dolph Wiggler » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:32 pm

Deadpool wrote:
Zenigame wrote:All those that have tried claiming land already should be banned from playing.

I disagree. Oh, and a troll face for Wiggles.


Mountain Peak Hut, then.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Qikz » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:45 pm

6- Unknown- Surrounded by a river, this walled compound contains a mansion and watch tower. The gates are locked but there is a tree you could use to climb the wall to the north.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Roonmastor » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:51 pm

I haven't read the thread yet, but you know I'm in for an Adventure Quest type thread.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Corazon de Leon » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:52 pm

StayDead wrote:
6- Unknown- Surrounded by a river, this walled compound contains a mansion and watch tower. The gates are locked but there is a tree you could use to climb the wall to the north.

You're an absolute melter.

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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:52 pm

I'll be back on Wednesday at 9pm to try and claim a place. Like we're supposed to do. :x

The Eeveelution club! \o/
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PostRe: Forum Game: Adventures in Arcadia
by Superking » Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:09 pm

Why is every fantasy land always called Arcadia?

One's never alone with a rubber duck

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