GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling

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PostGRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:05 pm


Greetings everyone. Now is the moment you have all been waiting for, as 34 signatures from 34 forumites are about to be unveiled, as part of the Biggest SigSwap of all time™. Thanks everyone for also Getting all sigs in by the Deadline™. This is the first time this has ever happened, and another example of this SigSwap making history.

Please take your time to scroll down and reveal each sig one at a time, while reading each forumite's thoughts behind the creation of the sig for their partner.

Remember, by participating in SigSwap, you have made a legally binding agreement to wear your sig for a minimum of 2 weeks.

So, without further ado...

Let's get straight to it!

We begin with the pairing of.....

aayl1 and Ironhide


aayl1 wrote:The name "Ironhide" conjures up a smorgasbord of emotions, but I feel I've condensed them efficiently with my effort.

First, Ironhide can often be found wandering the the threads of GGC, asking if you can play a particular game "as a mouse". From this, one can deduce he has a mouse fetish, represented by the rather fetching mouse in the sig.

Secondly, Ironhide is a big wheelchair fan, opting to spend most of his waking hours in one. This is represented by the wheelchair.

It may be a little abstract, but I think it's a fair representation of the man.


Ironhide wrote:He's currently in Japan (I think) so I went for an easy Japanese theme.

Clarkman and Skarjo


Clarkman wrote:Skarjo's post history suggests that he has an undying ( ;) :slol: :fp: ) love for survival horror. But what are Zombies without heroes? And what is a Skarjo signature without the lady herself? I thought it would make Skarjo happy to see her alongside two of his favourite RE characters: Chris and Jill. The rising, blood red Sun is a symbol for the Japanese flag, since Skarjo is flying out to start a new life come November.

Good luck out there, sir. Enjoy the signature!


Skarjo wrote:"Clarkman was an interesting forumite to be awarded. I'd neither crossed swords nor patted his back on many occasions, but I knew he was a solid fixture of GR and had been for years, so where was he hiding? A look through his post history showed that his most successful thread was one where he revealed himself to be a bit of a foodie in his recipes thread, and a bit of a poker player, so I tried to combine these two with poker hands and poker snack foods. I also found that of the few times we had exchanged words was over the subject of the show 'Friends', so I added in an image from the episode where they all play poker! Also, I'm amazing at paint, check out that flawless black fill on the left. True artistic beauty."

Hulohot and Dr. ogue Tomato


Hulohot wrote:This signature commemorates Dr. ogue Tomatoes adventure to the supermarket where he encountered various forms of people. Based on this quote:

Went to the supermarket earlier, and I swear to funking god it was like being in bible belt america, so many men in vest tops, and children with mullets wearing those sleeveless t-shirts with triple H or some other wrestler on them.

Sorry for the rather poor quality, due to the death of my laptop I had to resort to drastic measures to get this done in a rather short time limit on a friends computer shortly before going out.


Dr. ogue Tomato wrote:As Hulohot is the creator of the interesting thread, I decided to create a sig for that, I took some photos from the thread and put them in the sig along with the most interesting guy in the world.

jiggles and Archaeon


jiggles wrote:I tried to capture his love for Breaking Bad and the number 42.


Archaeon wrote:Because nuts:

jiggles wrote:I once, erm, "enjoyed" a handy so much that my right testicle actually disappeared into my body for a full 15 minutes.

Sorry the sig is only based on one post of his, but it was really too good to let slip by, I think!

Frank and Delusibeta


Frank wrote:It's another one of those sigs where the concept in my head worked better than it actually turned out, but hopefully it's not terrible. Now, I quite like Delusi's sig at the moment, so I wanted to create something similar while putting the sigswap slant on it.

Keeping with the Gravity Rush theme, I've stuck a few other things in there that I know he enjoys, Super Mario, the Gorillaz, and a Claptrap from Borderlands, all falling into the sky to their presumed deaths. And the lute playing bear from Skyrim, which I'd never have discovered were it not for Delusi :wub:

Oh, and Dual. He's a huge fan of Dual.

I've also added his name along the side there, which I may or may not have stolen from his twitter account. Still, it looks nice, and the red and yellow is in keeping with the overall autumnal theme of this Sigswap.

Happy Autumn, Delusibeta.


Delusibeta wrote:Not my best effort, and it's 100% autumn-free, but still. I just went round, grabbed a few things he likes, and slapped it on a sig. The car, incidentally, is the one he and his father restored.

Errkal and Fizheuer Zieheuer


Errkal wrote:Fizheuer Zieheuer isn't someone I really know much about, so I went for a successful past threads themeing
using titles from threads that had received a lot of posts, as I thought it may bring back some fun memories of times gone by.

tl;dr really couldn't think what to do.


Fizheuer Zieheuer wrote:I know that Errkal got married some time recently which i wanted to represent with the top hat because top hats are bad ass and being married is super cool. his wife brought him a subway today so the meatball marinara in his lap symbolises her affection for him. and the ipad is a wedding gift from me, he looks like he's enjoying it :3 I needed to make the thing fit into the guideline dimensions so I made it a bunch wider and put some relevant text in. I don't think he has a kid yet though. It's still a bit tall but you gooseberry fool twats stopped my name changes so allow me this. Also I made this in photoshop on my ipad, i think it's wicked as hell for a first attempt.

Rog and kommissarboris


Rog wrote:This is what my sleep starved brain came up with for Kommissarboris. This would probably have worked with better execution but I lack the skill and the time.

The push for mod starts here!


Uncensored version (NSFW):


kommissarboris wrote:Autumn background, Rog chilling in the leafs.

Giant purple cock sword thing I found he had posted shows us the type of character he is.

In human color psychology, purple is associated with royalty and nobility, Rog is part of the PC elite.

Cocks are signs of masculinity, the bigger the cock, the more of a man you are, so human psychology would have you believe, and like all real men, with cocks, Rog posts in the Wrestling thread.

its also a Mod cock for some Pc game, sure theres some sort of link.

again I'm sorry :fp:

Seven and jamcc


Code: Select all


Seven wrote:To be fair I don't know Jamcc that well, other than I know how much he loves Metal Gear Solid 1 (hence Solid Snake on there) so I had to investage. I'm hoping he likes Arsenal and that football guy :oops: And just to add autumn-y feeling, I had to add in red-haired lass there as well.

I hope he likes it :D


jamcc wrote:I started looking through Seven's history, as you do for these things but it turns out he's into a lot of games so I decided to go down the Achievement-whoring-collecting route. I found the silhouette image through a 'gamer addict' Google search ( :shifty: ). It provided a fairly dark and gloomy backdrop and the seven deadly sins theme seemed obvious from there.

Et voila.

I hope the achievement-whore theme isn't annoying for Seven as he's one of the nicest people on here. :wub:

Dark Ritual and Irocixar


Dark Ritual wrote:"I decided to keep this simple- and I know that Iroxicar is the progentior of the NFL Thread, as well as a big Patriots fan- so I decided to give him something which he could display this for, including a specifically found Patriots-esque font."


Irocixar wrote:Not knowing DR very well I did a look around for where he usually posts. I saw he posted about 99% of the time in The Football Thread and eventually determined he was a Coventry City fan, I think. He also seemed to pop up in the UFC thread a bit so I had my sports theme and ran with it. When I realised it needed something else I added the cards, I think he plays poker too. It then looked a bit gooseberry fool without words so I added some text just to make it really jump out at you. 8-)

Pred and 1cmanny1


Pred wrote:....


1cmanny1 wrote:Pred is a hard guy to do this with, he doesn't post much and when he does it isn't in threads that reveal much about him. However I found out that he loves his guitar, and he loves guitar hero :shifty: (not rock band because the guitar buttons aren't visible enough). He would kill to go see an American basketball game, and finally he loves illegal drugs.
I just hope I did his legend justice :)

JChalmers and Poser


JChalmers wrote:Well looking through Poser's posts he is the only St Mirren supporter on the board and he was happy about the win at the weekend so I took one of the pics from the game as the main background. Then he was talking about his sex injury by popping his shoulder out so thought with a name like 'Poser' he deserved some sort of macho poser look showing off the arms!


Poser wrote:He appears to love Borderlands, so I've pasted some important people's heads on Borderlands characters.

From left to right, these are: Matt Le Tissier, as he's a Saints fan, Judith Chalmers, because that's probably his name, a wrestler, as he's off to see WWE Raw soon, and some chump from Geordie Shore, as he lives in Newcastle.

He also posted that he's a milkman, so I put the milk bottle from the Coffee and TV video in the sky.

I hope he likes it... :fp:

Harman and Alvin Flummux


Harman wrote:Well, with Alvin, I wanted to avoid going down the obvious route so I had a look through his posts to see what other sources of inspiration I could find. He's now living in America and seems to have taken a great interest in the upcoming election, and, in particular, has shown a fervent dislike towards Mitt Romney. So I thought I'd wind him up a bit by making him wear this for two weeks :lol:


Alvin Flummux wrote:Here is my sig submission for forumite HARMAN.

I made this signature by carefully examining HARMAN's moustache fetish, which is evident in every single one of his recent posts. All of them. When I read between the lines, reading the words he didn't use, like I was reading a sort of forum text jazz ensemble, I uncovered the severity of his moustachioed problem, and as the alarm bells clankered about my mind I knew right away that I had to warn everybody. Somehow. Also he likes Breaking Bad so I cut out his eyes and put them on this other fella.

Just because.


Satriales and Staydead


satriales wrote:After trawling through Staydead's post history for many hours I stumbled upon a secret that for centuries he has tried to keep hidden: it turns out that Staydead loves Japanese gooseberry fool, and so from that seed grew this idea.

I didn't really want to be searching the internet for cartoons of Japanese girls, so I kept it simple and used the mighty Vapors as my guide:


StayDead wrote:I made this as I know he likes poker. He's also not very high on their leaderboard, so I put him down as having no money. 8-)

Somebody Else's Problem and Falsey


Somebody Else's Problem wrote:Honestly, I couldn't have been happier with this choice of partner, as I already had something in mind for him! Given his recent escapades with his beloved BMW 1-series, and a series of unfortunate events involving inanimate objects, I decided to reflect both his love for the marque and his disdain for said inanimate objects within his signature. I hope he appreciates the minutes of time and effort I put into this.


Falsey wrote:My logic being that he proper digs on the Star Wars, he knows them all off by heart for cripes sake! Now I appreciate that to an untrained eye it might appear simple, but look again. Look at that colour balance, look at the subtle frame which terminates the colours and the shadowing of the name tag, itself designed to ape a certain devhouse. Yeah, I can tell you're impressed.

Enjoy it MCN, from your sigbro Falsey :wub:

PsychicSykes and Mommy


PsychicSykes wrote:In the process of trying to make a suitable sig for Mommy I learned that he is many things to many people. A man of many aliases, owner of many consoles, a lover of Pepsi and on at least one occasion a man who has had a wank in a loft. One of the things that I did learn about him was his love for the ZX Spectrum which inspired the retro graphical style of this sig, showing the football team which has no doubt tormented him over the years on the day of it's biggest triumph. Hope he likes it.


Mommy wrote:My thoughts behind the sig. Well, I haven't got time to piss at the moment and I have got a clue about PhysicSyke's tastes so I thought - "I know, I'll keep it basic. And then it came to me - BASIC. I hope PshyicSykes like it. ;)

The non-gif version as animated sigs are sadly not allowed:


abcd and Henke


abcd wrote:I know Henke loves Winnie the pooh, so I did a collage for him.


Henke wrote:Basically I still haven't worked out how to make anything better than crude efforts in MS Paint. As a result I went for something a bit arty. I feel this really captures the mood of both Stu and the forum as a whole - Stu types into the forum and the forum as a result is full of different letters. It's pretty deep gooseberry fool. I even placed a hidden message in it - see if you can decipher it.

DML and Rubix


DML wrote:I hope he likes it. Kinda simple but the main aim for this signature is basically to get him to display his footballing colours more. :3


Rubix wrote:I chose this sig because I like colours on a black background so it's more for my benefit then DML's
just to make it personal I added in CJ from the Eggheads to remind the world of DML's time on eggheads vs CJ

So there we have it. Adorn your sigs with pride!

Thanks alot everyone for making history and participating in the Biggest SigSwap of all time™, some really cool sigs on display, including for the very first time in SigSwap history, sigs made on iPads™.

God Speed.


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Mommy Christmas
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mommy Christmas » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:08 pm

Sykes :wub:

My new sig forever

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Sorry mine was shite mate.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rog » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:09 pm

The cock isn't a mod it is one of the base weapons in Saints Row 3 :lol:

So can a mod tell me if it is ok to use the uncensored version?

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Dark Ritual » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:11 pm

Some cracking ones there.

I think the animated gif rule should be lifted with that exception.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Delusibeta » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:12 pm

Thanks Frank! Now, to hide in shame at my inability to make a decent sig for someone else.

Last edited by Delusibeta on Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Dark Ritual » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:13 pm

Adorned with pride. Cheers Iroxicar!

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rubix » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:13 pm

Some real cool ones there. Thanks DML 8-)

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by SEP » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:14 pm

I shall wear this with pride, Falsey :D :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by False » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:14 pm


strawberry float you MCN

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rubix » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:17 pm

:lol: :lol:

PLAY | Persona 3 Reloaded [3h]
WATCH | HiJack S1, Red Dwarf S7, Dexter S2
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rog » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:17 pm

My sig is "mogster.jpg" :fp:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by JChalmers » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:18 pm

Would love to know when I've ever said I was a Milkman POSER :lol: :lol:

Still an awesome mix of things I like :D

Last edited by JChalmers on Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by abcd » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:18 pm

I can't add my is too large.

I am the enjoying it very much.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Dark Ritual » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:20 pm

Also, loving the fact that jamcc has an Arsenal sig. He's a Chelsea fan isn't he? :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:20 pm

abcd wrote:I can't add my is too large.

I am the enjoying it very much.

Here you go:


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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by abcd » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:21 pm

it is ok now.

thank you

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Errkal » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:25 pm

I love it!!

I was practically rolling around the floor laughing!!

Sorry Fizheuer Zieheuer the one I did for you was so gooseberry fool in comparison.....

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:25 pm

Oh Harman, you are too nice to me. :lol: :wub:

I shall wear my new sig with a mixture of self-loathing and pride.

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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by PaperMacheMario » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:26 pm

Dark Ritual wrote:Also, loving the fact that jamcc has an Arsenal sig. He's a Chelsea fan isn't he? :lol:

Came here to post this. :lol:

HSH28 wrote:Sounds what you really need is a sense of humour.
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PostRe: GRcade SigSwap 2012 - The Grand Unveiling
by Errkal » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:27 pm

Hmm I can tadd mine it wont let me.... just gets error saying Your images may only be up to 150 pixels high.

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