The GRcade Adventure Quest- Winner- LewisD!

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:36 pm


Last edited by Hulohot on Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:37 pm


Last edited by Hulohot on Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:40 pm


Last edited by Hulohot on Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:42 pm

Oh my god what the hell have I done. :fp: This PC sucks, some icons are not showing up. I guess I have been clicking 'Quote' Instead of Edit. I cannot find the delete button as it is not showing up! Please can I request a moderator's help. *Face_embarrased* (Only two icons are showing up, happy face and face palm)

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Jango » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:43 pm

As the chaos ensued around the the followers, Louis stood still, calmness personified. As the the first soldier turned towards to Louis, and their eyes connected, Louis closed his eyes and started muttering to himself. All the while the soldier started rushing forwards towards Louis, with his sword cocked and ready to strike. Nearer and nearer the solider came, louder and louder the mutterings became rising into a crescendo that coincided perfectly with the approach of the solider, unfortunately for him. Louis' devotion in God had paid off, resulting in a amazingly timed, perfectly placed, sudden blow straight to the heart of his aggressor. Kneeling down, he closed the eyes of his fallen enemy and uttered another prayer.

Rising, he turned his efforts to the one man left who was not engaged in combat and who had instead witnessed the death of his now fallen comrade. With the blood draining from his face by the second the second soldier was visibly shaken, slowly backing into the corner while Louis, with a determination that inspired his fellow knights but drove fear into the hearts of his enemy. As he finally came face to face with his enemy, Louis put his sword away and spoke to man, 'If your heart is pure, your soul clean and your faith in God is true, then you will not be killed.' The man, now crying, had to face the back of Louis as, arms outstretched, he asked God, 'Is this man of pure heart, shall I spare his life, oh Holy God?' Louis suddenly, after a flash of inspiration, turned around and in one fell swoop, displaying the relexes that had felled the first enemy, beheaded this man.

Sorry,' he said to the now bodyless head, 'Computer says No.'


PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Raze » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:45 pm

I sense a trap. I vote 'A'. I don't think any of us are possessed. It's what the ghost wants us to think.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Jango » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:45 pm

I fear that my write up was late. Damn.

Also, I feel that we should put our faith in God and let Him decide who we shall 'slay' to get rid of the disease.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Roonmastor » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:17 pm

Voting A.

It is impossible to tell who out of the six of us it is at the present time, we'd only win through blind luck at this stage. Wait it out a little longer.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Psychic » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:27 pm

The pain began to intensify, working it's way deep into his bones.

"Do not raise a finger," Sir Sykes spoke through gritted teeth. "These creatures are one of the foulest beings I've ever heard of. Their character is twisted and steeped in deceit. We cannot trust a word it says. I suggest we get of this cursed earth first, hopefully there is some sort of religious site nearby, I just hope we canaaarghhh..."

He dropped to the floor, clutching his head in his hands.

"We must act swiftly!"

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by LewisD » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:46 pm

ARGGGH! Don't try and slay me based on your crazy myth and lore! Or you'll be sure to taste my blade!

If we just act like men and grow some balls we'll pull through this!
I've got a flask of super strength mead, everyone take a gulp and we'll weather this storm.

We've been through worse anyway! Sir Roonmastor, do you not remember the time we played finger snatch with those German soldiers?
Surely having to sit in the company of Germans is worse than this pain! HAHAHAHA.

ARRGH MY strawberry floating HEAD!
C'mon lads, let's get a fire going. This could be a long night.

(Voting "A")

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:50 pm

A it is.

The pain was quickly getting unbearable. Sir Sykes tried to lead them away from the cursed battlefield but even when they moved away the pain remained, they could hear the dark spirit muttering.

Then one of them fell.

He hit the ground, blood seeping from his eyesockets.

In the next few moments the pain in everyone began to subside.

Sir Roonmastor lay on the floor. Motionless.

"Christ that was worse than a hangover." LewisD groaned.
The muttering had stopped, all they could hear was the wind blowing over the fields.

Sir Roonmastor opened his eyes and looked up, the sun blinding him.

Luis Valois staggered to Sir Roonmastor and helped him to his feet.
"I felt it leave." Roonmastor groaned, rubbing his head. "That was a nasty piece of work."
Sir Sykes was sat on the field. "I hear there are lots of them in this land. This battle site must have something to do with it, maybe some Templars killed him."
Even the hulking LewisD had to take a sit down, struggling under the weight of his axe.
Raze began to protest. "Guys, as much as we need a break right now, maybe we should move away in case it comes back."
Banjo agreed, as did the others. They took off and set up camp at the end of the fields near a small stream.

"Shall we strike sir?"
"No. Not yet. We shall wait until they are cornered in the castle."
"They handled our Dreadmort pretty well sir."
"Pure luck. Next time they wont be so lucky.

To be continued...

[I am pretty amazed. Using my chance cards I picked a person at random who would host the demon. It was Roonmastor. Then when I picked a person to kill off, Roonmastor's name came out. The demon has left, without it's revenge. I was fully prepared to kill one of you, but you were lucky that Roonmastor was the demon, I will kill at least one of you off, very very soon unless you make the right choice ;) ]

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by LewisD » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:33 am

Good riddence, I reckon it just couldn't handle my super strength mead, the big pansy.

C'mon Sir Roon, my old friend, I can carry you until you've regained your strength, I owe you that much at least for the time you saved my life on the Isle of Wight all those years ago....

It's a shame that ghosts don't bleed....

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Hulohot » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:25 pm

The next morning after a much needed wash they set off again, fully recovered from the previous days close encounter.

The forest began to thin out after three hours of trecking. They could see a clearing up ahead, nearby the mountainous region of Montsegur.


They came to another field, lines of hedgerows stretched across it.
"If there isn't a pub up there I'll raise hell." LewisD joked.
"But think of all the drink you could buy with the gold we get up there." Raze teased.
Sir Sykes spoke. "I think we are going to have to climb it, it looks like the kings guards have blocked the pathway."
Positioned at the foot of the winding pathway leading up to the castle was a camp of red French guards. At least twenty of them.
"Gah we can take them! There is no way in hell I will be climbing that rock." Lewis groaned.
Luis Valois agreed. "If we try and climb that thing, we'll die for sure."
"Why dont we sneak past them and climb onto the path halfway up the rock?" Roonmastor suggested.
"Because then we will end up knocking at the front door. They have obviously taken control of the castle. We will get killed if we go up there, I am sure of it." said Banjo.

A- Climb up the side of the mountain.
B- Go through the camp and fight your way up.
C- Avoid the castle completely.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Jango » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:00 pm

Fortune favours the brave.

Lets storm the castle.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Psychic » Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:27 pm

"Let's not be too hasty Sir Jango, while I don't doubt our skills with steel it might be wiser to try the safer route. We can always attack from behind after we've finished inside. I know you all enjoy the bloodshed and mayhem but trust me, tis the strongest man who fights on his own terms."

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by LewisD » Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:50 pm

Ach, as much as I'd love to fight those guys, I think we'd be out numbered.
Especially as I'm obviously the most dangerous in a fight, I may aswell fight them on my own.

You need to think ahead my companions, there'll be lots of chances to fight and loot. Who knows how many hundreds of guards there will be in that castle.
This one seems a bit too risky, even for me and my blades.

I say we carry on and leave this place for the Bandits of Farthing Wood.

(Voting C)

Edit: I'm having an exchange of ideas with Sir RoonMastor, this vote could change.

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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Roonmastor » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:03 pm

How about we go under the mountain?


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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by LewisD » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:10 pm

LewisD wrote:Edit: I'm having an exchange of ideas with Sir RoonMastor, this vote could change.

I've changed my mind!
I say we fight them, all the way to the top!

We've only got one life on this stinking earth, let us be triumphant in battle, or die a warriors death!!
Myself and Sir Roonmastor will look out for the stragglers!

What's the matter? Want to live forever?!


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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Roonmastor » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:25 pm

If we don't kill the King's men today, they'll be on our tails tomorrow. I say we stand and fight!


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PostRe: The GRcade Adventure Quest- Chapter 1 ready!
by Jango » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:37 pm

I'd just like to point out, that the person who coined the phrase that I live my life by, 'Fortune Favours the Brave', said that phrase to convince his sailors to sail into an erupting Mount Vesuvius, which eventually managed to kill him.

Now, I'm not saying that will happen here but I'd just point it out, this saying isn't without its flaws.

But either way, I say that fortune must favour us this time, so onwards we march!

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